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Raspberry Swirl Icecream

Raspberry Swirl Icecream


For the Icecream
  • 500ml milk
  • 750ml cream
  • 10 egg yolks
  • 250g sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean
For the Raspberry Puree
  • 200g frozen raspberries
  • 200g frozen cranberries
  • 100g sugar

Combine milk, cream & scraped vanilla bean in a saucepan. Bring to the boil. Whisk egg yolks & sugar together until light & fluffy & then slowly pour on the hot cream mix. Return to a large bowl & cook over a double boiler until it starts to thicken & coats the back of a spoon. Strain & cool over an ice bath. Once cool, freeze in a KitchenAid icecream bowl or in an icecream machine. Place about 1/5 into a 1 litre icecream storage tub & then spread a thin layer of the berry purée, repeat with icecream & purée. 3 layers should be fine. Place in the freezer until firm. This mix makes 10 ice pops & 1 litre of swirl icecream. For the pops, carefully fill the pop mould and sprinkle the base with crushed biscuits. Freeze until firm.      
For the Berries
Combine together in a saucepan, purée & heat until the sugar dissolves and purée. Strain the purée through a fine strainer. Chill before use.          
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